30 juin 2006


Un petit article sympathique paru dans le Newsweek de cette semaine: Living Little in Paris
"Basically, there is always one room missing", says Philippe Demougeot, one such architect. "Now people are ready to get rid of any unnecessary areas - the foyer, a hallway, the'll open up a kitchen - to gain space. It's a bit like a game of Rubik's Cube". A host of a house-call segment on the popular French TV show "Question Maison", Demougeot gets 3.000 letters a week from viewers asking him to fix their their own small spaces.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

3000 lettres par mois !
Même pas la peine de faire de la pub sur apartmenttherapy.com qui organise un concours réservé aux petits appartements (http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/scc/index.html).

:: Karine :: a dit…

non 3000 par semaine si mon anglais est bon lol